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OJ Crew is a Licensed and MLC 2006/ISO certified International HR management, recruitment, complete crew formation and project management service provider for the Maritime, Oil & Gas and Wind Energy sectors. Founded in 2013, OJ Crew stands out from other Baltic agencies as a high-quality performer and excellent crew deliverer with a big backlog of satisfied and happy clients. We provide all job seekers with the best opportunities whilst paying attention to and taking care of our employees. Our goal is to bring new ship owners to Baltic states to create opportunities for ship managers and for maritime professionals.
We are highly committed to our core values and strive to deliver results as per your expectations. Our crew is our key asset with control of the quality we provide. OJ Crew is a new generation of Crewing Agent targeting exclusively personal service to our clients with lots of attention to all details and complete dedication. By forming sustainable relationships built on loyalty, transparency, and reliability we provide recruitment services of substance and value.
Complete and professional Crew Manning, Recruitment, project management Services for Maritime, Offshore Oil & Gas, Wind Energy(Inland and Offshore)are the focus of ours. These particularly include OJ Travel solution for crew changes (flights, accommodation, transport, etc.), QHSE services, Payroll expertise, Tax advisory, and Budget control - all at one spot with lots of additional values given to our clients. OJ Crew - it is more than just recruitment!
We conduct ourselves with professionalism, accountability, and work excellence, continuously striving to identify the best recruitment practice procedures whilst performing at the highest industry standards. We tend to listen to and hear our clients' needs, understand their challenges, and provide solutions that are positively noticeable.
Based on an Excessive pool of over 100 000 seafarers and our expertise in the field we are able to deliver crew to cover even the most challenging clients' requests. Our own pool of experienced seafarers is a guarantee of loyalty and performance of your future crew from OJ Crew.
Our goal is to provide our clients with exceptional quality service based on individual approach with a notch of added value in every step. We intend to thoroughly understand our client's business and operations, analyze their needs and challenges, and become our client's tool of success. We are here to bring the change, we are here to deliver the RESULT.
Over 12488 available and handpicked offshore jobs & maritime professionals waiting for your job offers and other essential information.
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Building trust through competence and integrity.
Highest standards of integrity & ethical behavior in all processes are the basis for our relationships with partners, customers & team members.