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OJ Crew is Licensed and MLC 2006/ISO certified international HR management services provider for the maritime, Oil and Gas sectors. Founded in 2013, OJ Crew stands out from other Baltic agencies - as high-quality performers and excellent crew deliverers with big backlog of satisfied and happy clients. OJ Crew is a new generation of Crewing Agent, targeting exclusively personal service to our clients, with lots of attention to all details and complete dedication. By forming sustainable relationships built on loyalty, transparency, and reliability we provide recruitment services of substance and value. We conduct ourselves with professionalism, accountability and work excellence, continually striving to identify the best recruitment practice procedures whilst innovating the highest industry standards. ...Read more
Our goal is to bring our clients exceptional quality and individual approaches for all clients needs. We intent to thoroughly understand our clients business and operations, analyze their needs and challenges and become our client's tool of success. ...Read more
Our quality approach based on 6 core values:
Responsibility | to meet the commitments. We deliver what we promise. |
Effectiveness | to grow our business through operational excellence, effective solutions and flawless execution. |
Sustainability | to deliver trustworthiness in order to maintain lasting and sustainable relationship with partners, clients, employees and customers. |
Unity | to share a common vision, a common culture and common goals. |
Laborious | to hold on the highest standards possible in the way we work and always strive for excellence. |
Transparency | to display integrity in everything we do. We believe that business should be done in a fair, honest and transparent way. |
Complete and professional Crew Manning and Recruitment Services. With an Excessive pool of over 50 000 seafarers and with our experience in the field - we are able to deliver crew even for the most challenging client requests. ...Read more
Over 12488 available and handpicked offshore jobs & maritime professionals waiting for your job offers and other essential information.
The quickest way to get an overview of our company and services. Take a closer look at what makes OJ Crew such a unique partner.
Vessel: General Cargo
€6300 / Worldwide
Our respective clients is looking for experienced Chief Officer… >
Vessel: Work/Repair vessel
$280 / Worldwide
On behalf of our respective client we are looking… >
Vessel: General Cargo
€8500 / Worldwide
Our respective client is seeking for experienced, motivated Chief… >
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